License: donationware
Ligature: no
Accents: yes
You cannot not agree that oldschool is always cool. So here it is! the oldschool font which will fit your need of jersey or hoodie designs! :p
What is unique of this font is that I change the ampersand (&) into an X sign. So every time you type the "&" between two words, it will end up like those two parties are featuring. What do you think about it? Feel free to comment about your opinion below. :)
Download the font here.

Hola MARSNEV :D I´m a student of Graphic design in Bogotá- Colombia, i read the note that comes with MARSNEVENEKSK font and here i am... I want to give thanks for let free use of your fonts, I also read the F.A.Q page and if in a future proyect use any of your fonts for commercial, I will donate and give thanks again... Muchas Gracias!